Digital eternity





...Well, the big news this month is that all these wretched misf reports I've been plaguing you with have been archived and are now hosted on a website. Point your browsers to:

...As the opening page explains, I never really intended for these reports to go beyond my closest circle of friends (that's you lot) but music svengali Nigel Blunt has convinced me that the wider public at large should be subjected to all this drivel too. Also, other friends of mine who don't receive misf have been wondering what all the fuss is about - so we can now give out this URL to them. There's even an index detailing what each report is about - so please do check it out and spread the word...

...In other news...I'm a little late on this one I know, but I was much saddened to hear of the death of Terence McKenna last month at the age of just 53. McKenna was a visionary, techno-shaman and quite spellbinding orator. Many regard him as to my generation what drugs  guru Timothy "Tune In, Turn Off, Drop Out" Leary was to the children of the 60s. And although this Bay Area maverick never quite achieved the level of infamy that Leary acquired - I suspect many of you have never heard of him - his work will surely be recorded as being equally influential...

...He wasn't just a hedonistic drugs advocate, he was a powerful voice for how society can be enlightened through the use of pharmacology and how past cultures and religions have their roots in drug use. His seminal book, "Food Of The Gods", even posited the notion that Christianity came about after the religion's forefathers accidentally ingested mushrooms and started having ecstatic visions. Barmy in places for sure but he presented his case with a seductive voice...

...And he was big in SF rave culture too, attending warehouse parties in the early 90s and waxing lyrically about the convergence of music
and drugs and the resultant impact on society. He even cropped up on the Shamen album "Boss Drum", lending his hypnotic spoken streams of consciousness to an ambient dub workout...

...For a man who made a career out of progressive and innovative thinking, it's tragically ironic that he should have succumbed to brain cancer. But as artist Alex Grey suggested, "In the twilight of human history, McKenna's prescription for salvation is just so crazy it might work." Check out more on McKenna and his work at:

...Finally, if you have a whizzbang computer, you can view a trailer for the rave movie "Groove" which I keep going on about. It's pretty funky:



PS A report from my recent roadtrip to Las Vegas and Death Valley to follow shortly...

PPS Be sure to check Nigel Blunt's homepage:

He was born with a gift of laughter
and a sense that the world was mad.

Rafael Sabatini


